Among Iraqi Arabs in a recent sample, it is common for the fathers of prospective husbands to demand assurance that a bride has been genitally mutilated before approving of a marriage. The female coordinator of WADI's project in Iraqi Kurdistan noted that two local villages have declared themselves "FGM-free" after educational intervention by opponents of the practise.A campaign against FGM in Iraq, focusing on Iraqi Kurdistan, has benefited from activism by human rights and women's groups, but the main responsibility for ending this atrocity belongs with religious leaders. FGM is not a general requirement in the faith of Islam, although some clerics have adopted the pre-Islamic local custom and approve of it. The well-known radical preacher Yusuf Al-Qaradawi has stated that its infliction is grounded in unreliable reports of hadith, the oral commentaries delivered by Muhammad. Nevertheless, Al-Qaradawi has opined that it is acceptable if a girl's parents so desire.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Campaign Against FGM in Iraq and Middle East
Irfan Al-Alawi
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
How Obama has been working behind the scenes to overthrow secular leaders and replace them with IslamoFascist ones
barenakedislam | |18 Comments »

Brotherhood candidate Muhammad Mursi did not wait for the ballots of
the two-day poll to be counted before proclaiming himself President of
Egypt. In Cairo, Egypt’s generals are engaged in an acrobatic exercise
to keep their balance while watching the Muslim Brotherhood take power
with the blessing and financing of the White House in Washington.
DEBKA US president Barack Obama’s goal from the outset of the Tahrir Square revolution early last year was to get the Muslim Brotherhood installed in government through the ballot box. He sees this as the grand vindication of the vision he unveiled at Cairo University on June 4, 2009 in a speech reaching out to world Muslims.
Obama accepts Muslim parties who are not al Qaeda or jihadists as forces of moderation who must be allowed to attain power through their embrace of Islamic/sharia ‘democracy,’ and with whom the US, the West and Israel must learn to coexist. This perception, which entails getting even pro-Western autocratic rulers displaced, guided his hand in supporting the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in February 2011 and Muammar Qaddafi’s overthrow in Libya seven months later to make way for “moderate” Muslim rule.
It is also being applied in Syria. Aided by the Muslim ruler closest to him, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Obama is working hard to unify the squabbling factions of Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood, the backbone of the Sunni rebellion against the Assad regime and his Alawite sect, and bring the MB to power through the democratic process.
Israel, it must be said, finds itself in a strategic pits deeper than ever before as it faces the Islamist revolution overtaking Egypt. While promising Israel security perks, Obama has relentlessly pursued a policy of accommodation with revolutionary Islam, both Shiite – through a nuclear deal with Iran after it progressed beyond the point of no return for building a bomb – and the Sunnis, by collaborating with the Muslim Brotherhood and its branches.
This policy has stripped Israel of its strategic assets barring one – military prowess. In their three years at the helm of Israel’s government, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak have been coerced into lining up with Obama policy -involuntarily.
However, every Obama success in promoting Muslim power drops Israel further down the strategic scale in the face of its empowered foes. Israel’s only recourse for recovering shrinking strategic ground in the Middle East and deterrent strength against the rising Islamist forces in Egypt is to take matters in its own hands and dismantle Iran’s nuclear program by force.
If Netanyahu waits much longer, Israel will find Shiite and Sunni revolutionary rulers uniting against their perceived common enemy, Israel, before they fight each other over slicies of the Middle East. A military coup in Cairo could set this process back, but the chances of its happening are slight.
The Muslim Brotherhood administration was not even in place yet, and rockets were flying into Israel from the Sinai, by Hamas, allegedly under orders of the Muslim Brotherhood.
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